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Sunday 31 March 2013

London- King's Cross Station

If only these were owls...
At King’s Cross international and national train station, Rob and Beth spotted the queue leading toward a brick wall marked ‘Platform 9¾’. Below the platform label is a fixture of a shopping cart with luggage and a birdcage that appears to be half embedded in the wall. Beth and Rob watched as mostly youth, and a few adults, waited patiently for their turn to stand in position for a photo op. They watched as each put on one of four scarves that represents each of the houses of Hogwarts School of Wizarding and Witchcraft, stood with hands grasping the shopping cart prop and jumped or kicked a leg as their photo was taken.

Ron in the final movie.
Beth hesitated to get in line despite being a Harry Potter fan as she was self conscious.

“Why don’t you get into line Beth?”

“No. I’d be the only adult in line and I'd feel silly anyway.”

“Look. There are a couple other adults. Get into the line. You know you want to.”

“No. I'm not sure that I do. Why don't you come with me? I'll do it then. I'm embarrassed going alone.”

Little known fact: Rob was a stand in
for Rupert.
“Nobody knows you here. What do you care? You’ve come looking for this platform and now this is your chance. Get in line!”

Reluctantly Beth joined the queue and immediately started up a conversation with another woman in line. Alas, as it turns out she was only waiting in line with her sons and wasn't actually getting her photo taken. As Beth watched the others jump up for the photo as the attendant tossed the scarf in the air she determined that she was not going to do that. At best she would just stand for the photo.

As she reached the front of the queue, Rob positioned himself while Beth, with the help of the conductor donned the Gryffindor house scarf and reluctantly posed hoping that Rob would be quick with the photo.

“Hey you’re supposed to be in Slytherin house. Give her the green scarf!”, Rob jested while holding the camera and waited for the appropriate time to snap a picture.

Hearing that, the conductor reached for the green Slytherin scarf and begun wrapping it around Rob’s neck as he stood motionless with camera at the ready. When he realized what the conductor was attempting to do, he began to chuck off the scarf with one hand while holding the camera in place with the other waiting for Beth to jump up.

“I’m not here to get my picture taken!" he quipped.

“I think she’d like you to go with her.” teased the conductor.

“What are you waiting for? Take the picture already.” Beth added while impatiently waiting to get through the embarrassing process. While the struggle between Rob and the conductor continued, Beth finally stepped away from the photo session and walked away. Rob who successfully evaded the scarf tussle, tried to stop her.

"I didn't take the picture. Go back."

“Are you kidding me? What were you waiting for?” Beth asked.

“I was waiting till they lifted your scarf and you jumped. Lets go back.". Rob insisted.

"I told them I wasn't going to do that. And, no, I'm not going back... That was embarrassing enough."

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